Early Businesses in Charlevoix County

The following are items extracted from biographical sketches of early Charlevoix County businesses- often including information on their owners and the entrepreneurs who created them. These vignettes originate from a variety of sources.

Items on this page have been contributed from a variety of individuals and sources over a great many years. As a result, original source information is often times lacking. Perhaps this information was lost. It could be that the individual donating the item found it clipped and in a scrap book or between the pages of a book. At any rate, we have included these citations for your reading pleasure as well as your research benefit. Please note, we have included everything that is known about the original source of this data. If you find that you can update us more material or fill us in on what the original sources were, PLEASE contact the Editor or the Webmaster and share what you know!

Alpena Sample Rooms
The Bolted Basket Company
Boyne Avenue Greenhouse
Boyne City Brick Company
Boyne City Chemical Company
Boyne City Electric Company
Boyne City Hardware Company
Boyne City Lumber Company
The Boyne City Publishing Company
Boyne City Steam Laundry
Boyne City Water System
Steamer- City of Boyne
Frank Coleman's Silo Plant
I.N. Conrad Iron Works
S. Dosie- Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings     
The Elm Cooperage Company
Handle and Dowel Company
The Hankey Milling Company
Herron & Sons Hardwood Emporium
Herron & Sons Hardware
The Iron and Chemical Company
Michigan Tanning & Extract Company
The E.J. Olson Ashery
The Railroad Machine Shop
Von Platen Lumber Plant
W.H. White Company, Mill No. 1
W.H. White Company, Mill No. 2
W.H. White Company, Mill No. 3
W.H. White Company, Mill No. 4
The Wolverine Dilworth Hotel
Woodenware Company


John Dane, proprietor of the Alpena Sample Rooms, is a gentleman who caters to the best class of trade and supplies it with the highest grade of goods that can be procured. Long experience has fitted him to successfully carry on a business of this kind, and his many patrons fully realize that "John's goods" and "John's place" is "just right."

Mr. Dane came here in August, 1906, and Boyne City looked so good to him that he purchased an old established stand at 114 Water Street, re-christening it the Alpena, where he is now enjoying a good patronage.

The interior finishings and fittings of the Alpena give evidence of good taste, and an air of quiet hospitality is apparent to every visitor. Mr. Dane keeps only the best wines and liquors, including the celebrated Maryland rye whisky. In beers he handles the following well-known brews: August Goebel Brewing Co., Detroit; Eckhardt & Becker Brewing Co., Detroit; Grand Rapids Brewing Co., Grand Rapids; Banner Brewing Co., Saginaw; Petoskey Brewing Co., Petoskey.

In cigars Mr. Dane sells only the best known brands, and is able to please a critical patronage. His assistants are gentlemanly and courteous at all times, which has added in no small degree to the popularity of the Alpena.

Personally Mr. Dane is a modest, unassuming gentleman, who has made hosts of friends during his short residence here. For a number of years he resided in Alpena, where he successfully carried on a similar business and still has a warm spot in his heart for the old town, hence the name Alpena.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]


The Bolted Basket Company is one of our most thriving young corporations and composed entirely of home men. The officers are President, J.M. Harris; Vice President and General Manager, George Kerry; and Secretary, P. Collier. They own the patent to the bolted basket that is used by laundries, bakeries, etc., where strength and durability are a positive necessity. We quote in part the following from the United States Trade Reports of Cincinnati, Ohio:

"We are prepared to state that there is no make of Shipping Baskets on the market today superior to those manufactured by The Bolted Basket Company, Boyne City, Michigan. These have proven to give entire satisfaction at all times. The company is thoroughly reliable in every respect and can be depended upon. Their business is conducted on a line that is pleasing to each and every customer and promptitude is a special feature of their business methods. They also stand high commercially."

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

One of our most thrifty industries is the Boyne Avenue Greenhouse of which Arthur Albright is proprietor. Mr. Albright came her three years ago from Ludington and started a greenhouse in a modest way. He had four hundred feet of glass and did his heating with stove pipes. He now has three thousand feet of galss and has just installed a modern steam heating plant. The people of our city are very fortunate in having [such a] well equipped greenhouse, and Mr. Albright does floral decorating for weddings, parties and funerals that is . . .

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]

In 1902 the brick yard came under the ownership of local capitalists with W.S. Shaw at the head and the plant was greatly enlarged and absolutely modern machinery and methods installed. The capacity was increased from five thousand to forty thousand bricks per day. They manufacture all kinds of bricks including a pressed face brick of the highest grade and paving bricks. Next year the plant will again be enlarged. More down draft kilns installed and they will manufacture tile, chimney flues and practically everything made of clay. Thirty-five men are employed with a monthly payroll of about $2,000. Bert Wilhelm is the superintendent in charge. Substantial brick buildings enclose the machinery, offices, etc. They own and operate their own electric lighting plant. The Company owns practically an inexhaustible supply of clay.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

The Boyne City Chemical Company was established here about seven years ago. It is one of the most modern retort Chemical plants in the world. They employ 100 men at the plant and about 200 in the woods, with a payroll of about $10,000 per month. Seventy five teams are used in the woods work and two locomotives are used in the plant's yards. About thirty thousand cords of wood is constantly stored in the yard and the plant uses 150 cords per day. A. Cameron is manager of this plant and a similar one in East Jordan.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]

The Boyne City Electric Company built a small steam plant in our city in 1903 which they operated until the completion of their big water power plant in 1906. The present plant consists of a water power developing five hundred horse power while their maximum load is but two hundred fifty horse power. They are therefore equiped to furnish power to other industries as they come to our city.

The Electric Company's dam is located three miles east of the city. The banks of the Boyne River were so left by nature that a dam eight hundred feet across gives them a thirty-two foot head of water which will not vary over one foot during the entire year.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]

The Boyne City Hardware Company was organized May 1, 1911, succeeding The Manufacturing and Supply Company. W.S. Shaw is President and W.C. Capelin, General Manager. They occupy their own brick building and carry a complete line of hardware, builder's supplies and plumbing and heating supplies. They also operate the Electric Mill, doing custom grinding and carrying a stock of feed and hay.

The various branches of their business are under competent heads, Edwin McCrea has charge of the hardware department; Mr. W. C. Capelin personally superintends the builder's supplies; Lester Capelin is in charge of the Electric Mill. W.P. Vought manages the office and John Mortimer, who learned his trade in one of the largest shops in New York City, has charge of the plumbing and heating.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

The Boyne City Lumber Company Mill is similar in capacity to Mill One, but has been built eight years. They make an average daily cut of 80,000 but running on hemlock would cut about 100,000. The have the double band mill and re-saw which is in reality three mills in one. Sixty men are employed in the mill and about twenty in the yards. Thirty-five cords of stove wood are cut daily from the edgings slabs etc. Their spacious yards make the lumber easy to access for rail and water shipments. M. Cunningham is superintendent.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

The Boyne City Publishing Company has one of the largest printing plants in this section of the country. They not only employ what is likely the largest force of competent printers in Northern Michigan, but do more jobs printing than any other concern as they handle nearly all of the factory work of this city as well as the B.C.G. & A. Railroad- the general offices of which are located here. The plant is equipped with Linotype, individual motors for each press, and all the smaller machines that go to make up a strickly modern plant.

Mr. W.D. Moyer, the manager is a competent and reliable business man and Mr. A.H. McConaha, the foreman, is the best printer in this part of the country. Their Christmas number of The Citizen this year was a beauty and carried a heavy but splendidly arranged line of advertising.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]

The Boyne City Steam Laundry has been a winning institution since Mr. J.N. LaRue took possession some five years ago. The original plant was located on Ray Street but soon after the coming of Mr. LaRue was moved into the Ware building on Park Street where it remained until it was moved into its own comfortable quarters on Main Street, wher Mr. LaRue added necessary machinery to make the equipment complet. Mr. LaRue is somewhat of a mechanical genuis and has made several appliences that add greatly toward making the work easy.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

Boyne City owns its own water system and has much of which to be proud. No better drinking water can be found and in time of fire our supply is not only sufficient but a presure of 130 pounds. Three reservoirs are used. One 50 x 130 and twelve feet deep with a capacity of 600,000 gallons is supplied by seven flowing wells flowing 600 gallons per minute. One situated 207 feet above the pumping station and 3000 feet from the pump with an elevation of 267 feet above the city, has a capacity of 600,000 gallons. This resevoir is filled from the supply tank by an 8 ½ by 10 triplex pump at the rate of 750 gallons per minute. A 75 horse power electric motor drives the pump which is automatically stopped when the reservoir is filled. A twelve inch valve connects this upper reservoir with our water supply and in case of fire is opened by an electric device either at the fire hall or at the pumping station.

The third reservoir is located at North Boyne, has a capacity of 450,000 gallons and gives the city a gravity pressure of 37 pounds. This reservoir is supplied by artesian springs.

Our illustrations show [not included in this compilation.] the pumping station and superintendent, Mr. Tinker, who drove a well last summer with water power which cost the city $22.00, and less that 100 feet from this well is one of the same capacity which cost the city under the old method of well digging, $570.00. The cost of operation the pumps by electric power for November this year was $117.00 as compared with $334.00 for the same month the year previous.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]


The modern passenger steamer, City of Boyne, makes two round trips daily during the navigation season between our city dock and Charlevoix, stopping at numerous landings on both sides of the lake. This boat was formerly the Lou A. Cummings but during the winter of 1910 and 191 was rebuilt and enlarged. Captain George Weaver is owner and master and by his courteous treatment of his patronage has made himself and boat very popular with the traveling public and the people of Boyne City. Accompanied by our Marien Band, Captain Weaver has made it possible for us to spend many pleasant evenings on beautiful Pine Lake (now called Lake Charlevoix).

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

Frank Coleman has just completed a plant for the manufacture of a silo of his own design, which has taken first prize at numerous fairs. Mr. Coleman has a spacious one story building on North Lake Street and already has orders which will keep him running full capacity for several months.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]

I.N. Conrad Iron Works has been in Boyne City for four years though Mr. Conrad has been in business thirty-five years, having formerly been at Stanton and Mt. Pleasant. It is one of the best equipped machine shops and foundries in the country, will handle any lathe work up to fifty inches in diameter and planer work up to 38 inches square. Mr. Conrad does all kinds of engine and boiler work. They have just completed a job of building logging cars for the W.M. Hudson Lumber Co. of Nobbinway Junction. At present eight men are employed but the plant is to be enlarged soon to care for the increasing business. They have a payroll of $600 monthly.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]


From a small beginning a few years ago the business of S. Dosie has grown to such magnitude that he now occupies the finest storeroom in Greater Boyne, where his stock of clothing, hats, furnishings and shoes is arranged in metropolitan style.

Mr. Dosie's new store, in which he began doing business on March 20 of the present year, has a ground area of 25 x 94 feet, two stories high, and is in every sense of the word a model mercantile building. Only the best makes of goods find a place in this store- such as Kuppenheimer & Co.'s hand tailored clothing. Tiger brand soft and stiff hats, Walkover shoes, for which he has the exclusive selling agency in Boyne City, makes a line of merchandise unsurpassed. His stock of furnishings are the most complete of any in town, all the latest and current styles being found therein. The shoe department occupies the entire northern half of the store, and comprises the best and newest styles in footwear for men, women and children.

The clothing is arranged in dust proof cabinets, easy to access and in such shape it can not wrinkle. The hats are kept in specially contstructed wall cases and the line of furnishings is artistically displayed in a number of massive glass cases. The store will be hot water heated, and is electrically lighted by fifty-two powerful kights on the first floor and twenty-five on the second floor, which will be stocked with goods in the early fall. The interior finish and furnishings show excellent taste, presenting a harmonious and beautiful appearance. Two immense plate glass windows admit of admirable window dressing, while large windows in the rear give ample daylight.

Mr. Dosie's phenomenal success is due largely to the high quality and reliability of goods sold. Customers know that they get value received for their money on every article purchased. No cheap or shoddy goods find a place in this stock, and every article is sold strictly on its merits.

Mr. Dosie is a representative merchant with pleasing personality and no fear of hard work. His success is well deserved.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]


The Elm Cooperage Company's plant was built here in 1903. Barrel hoops, staves and head liners are manufactured at the rate of sixty thousand hoops, thirty five thousand staves and forty thousand head liners per day. One hundred ten men are employed with a monthly payroll of $6000. The plant is equipped with modern machinery and is the largest cooperage plant operating in the United States. The officers are J.S. Wyley, Saginaw President; George Burr, Manistee Treasurer; W.H. White, Boyne City, Secretary; A.F. Hayes is Superintendent.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]




The Boyne City Handle and Dowel Co. is a new industry financed by local capital. It is a very neat modern plant, which began business September 1st of this year. Handles are manufactured from edgings and lumber. Automatic lathes are used; three rattlers are in operation and two more will be installed soon. A fireproof boiler house has just been completed and in fact every part of the factory shows not only a thorough knowledge of the handle business but exacting ideas . . . [the remainder of this article is missing.]

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

The Hankey Milking Company have had a branch in Boyne City for six years. One year ago it was necessary to enlarge their building and they have built a brick warehouse which id convenient for their business and attractive in appearance. They buy grain and all kinds of produce and are a distribution point for the Hankey Milling Company. John Kalbfleisch is Manager.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]

Herron & Son's hardware, operated by A.F. Herron and C.J. Herron, is one of greater Boyne's most substantial business houses. This store is in fact a hardware emporium, where every article under the general term of hardware can be found. Its appointments and furnishings are well nigh complete. The woodwork is of hemlock, but so finished that it resembles rare old oak, while the trimmings are in harmonious contrast, giving a highly pleasing effect.

This firm first engaged in business in 1897 and during the intervening ten years have built up a fine trade. Their patronage comes from a wide area of surrounding territory, the firm believing that a pleased customer is the best kind of advertisement, and have used their best endeavors not only to please patrons, but at the same time also give them the best possible values for money expended.

A complete line of heavy and shelf hardware is carried in stock, together with stoves, ranges, furnaces, guns, ammunition and fishing tackle. Steam and hot water heating plants are also installed and all kinds of plumbing, tinning and galvanized iron work done, this being an important feature of their business. The store is centrally located at the corner of Water and Park Streets, with ample storage room for the immense stock carried.

Messrs. Herron and Son are old time residents of Boyne City, both are member of the Board of Trade and active in everything tending to the advancement of the city.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]

In 1897 a beautiful store, Heron & Sons first engaged in business under two of the most friendly residents of Boyne City- A.F. Herron and C.J. Herron. They were active in the betterment of Boyne City. Their firm was located at the corner of Water Street and Park Street. It was one of the largest and best-stocked hardware stores for miles around. They believed that the best type of advertisement was a pleased customer. The store was considered to be a hardware emporium, and any tool under the term "hardware" could be found there. Along with their lines of hardware, they carried stoves, ranges, furnaces, guns, ammunition and fishing tackle. One of the most important aspects of their business was that they installed steam and hot water plants.

[An article by Boyne City High School students, Matt Seiler and Jason Scott. Boyne City, 1912, A Booming, Lumbering Era- Histories and Sites in Boyne City in 1912. Printed in 1997.]


Boyne City Furnace of the Lake Superior Iron and Chemical Company made their first run in January 1904 since which time it has operated constantly until September of this year. It was then decided to give the plant an entire overhauling and add several improvements. They started again on December fifth. They employ 60 men with a payroll of about $3000 per month and have a daily output of 80 tons of pig iron. They are equipped with the modern devices for unloading ore from their boats, have their own lighting plant, modern office building and laboratory, are beautifully situated on lake shore and in fact the entire plant, outside and in, has an appearance that General Manager, J.D. Dunn can be proud of.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]





The Boyne City Tannery was built by W.S. Shaw [William Sutherland] in 1901 and has been added to from year to year until it is now one of the largest, if not he largest, sole leather tannery in the world. Their annual output is twelve million pounds of sole leather, and they employ over two hundred men. The plant is composed of ten buildings and covers five acres of land. They use many thousand cords of hemlock bark each year besides thousands of gallons of an extract made of hemlock bark by a plant at Escanaba, Michigan. Mr. Shaw has sparred no expense in perfecting the Boyne City Tannery as well as several other tanneries he is interested in. A system of tracks makes a network through the yards and their own locomotives do their switching and handling of cars to the B.C.G.& A rail yard. Their own electric light plant lights their buildings as well as one block of modern dwelling houses owned by the company. While time and money has not been sparred to perfect the tanning industry, the Boyne City Tannery has not lost sight of the outward appearance of their plant. They are beautifully situated on the lake front and their yards, lake frontage and modern office buildings always look neat and attractive. While Mr. Shaw's interests are numerous and scattered over several states he maintains his home in Boyne City and is always to be depended on to help any undertaking that is for Boyne City's good. C.Turner is superintendant in charge and much of the success of the tannery is due to his energy and cleverness.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]



The Ashery of E. John Olson has been established about two years and now has a capacity of four barrels of potash per week. Mr. Olson is planning to enlarge on an improved scale. He is at present working four men and two teams and has a payroll of about $300 per month.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]




One of the most interesting industries of our city is the car shops. On November 11, 1910 the old wooden shops which had been built on and remodeled many times, burned to the ground and the railroad company immediately began the present shop which is fireproof- constructed of brick and steel. This shop not only does all the work of the railroad, but does all kinds of machine and boiler work for mills, factories and steam boats. They build and repair all their own cars except the building of the coaches.

Eleven locomotives are inspected daily and five hundred flat cars must constantly be kept in repair besides the coaches and motor car. Sixty men are employed with a payroll of about $3000 per month. In the south end of the shops is a separate, steam heated, well lighted, designing room. Pattern makers shop, conductor's room and master machenic's office occupy the north end of the building. The lathes, boiler shops, foundry and car rooms are most conveniently arranged. A traveling crane of ten ton capacity is used. The largest lathe will handle castings up to eighty four inches in diameter and a new paner 48x48x12 is just being installed. All supplies are kept in a storeroom in charge of a keeper.

Lathes and machines of all kinds are run by electric motor. The only steam used is for heating purposes and fans are now being installed for thepurpose of equal heat distribution. C.D. Hilton who has been connected with the shops for eight years is master mechanic and general foreman.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]





The G. VonPlaten Lumber plant is a strictly modern mill cutting hardwood and hemlock lumber. Mr. VonPlatten has fifty men employed in his mill and about fifty in the camps, with a monthly payroll of about $6,000. Practically their entire output is sold at wholesale. The main mill building, office, yards, lake frontage and all parts of the plant presents a neat, attractive view that speaks much of Mr. VonPlatten's ideas of order and superintendent I. VanLeuven's ability. Several men are working for Mr. VonPloten now who have been with him for twenty years. Vacancies occur in his force only by death. His men never quit. Thanksgiving every man with a family is presented with a turkey and at Christmas every child is remembered with an attractive present. If you want hospital experience go down to his plant and abuse Mr. VonPlaten to any one of his employees.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]


Mill One of the W.H. White Company is commonly known as the "Big Mill." It was completed about two years ago and is perhaps the most up-to-date hardwood mill in the country. It is a double band mill with a band re-saw and has a daily capacity of 75,000 feet of hardwood or 100,000 feet of hemlock, besides about twenty five cords of eighteen inch stove wood, four foot wood and pulp wood. Lumber is produced with the least possible expense and the work done by the machinery is a delight to see the experienced lumbermen and a wonder to the novice.

The mill was built and machinery was installed under the supervision of E.J. Fulghum. Sixty men are employed with the pay roll of about $35,000 per month.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

Mill Number Two of W.H. White Company is know as the shingle mill manufacturing cedar shingles and cedar ties only. Owing to the fact that cedar is cut from the swamps only during the winter months this mill runs about four months each year. It has a capacity of 160 thousand shingles per day and turns out about 120 ties daily. Fifty three men are employed. John Griffin is the foreman in charge.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

Mill 3 of W.H. White Company is a double band mill employing 53 men and with a payroll of $3300 per month. Besides the rail shipments during the winter this mill has in its yards about eight million feet of lumber when navigation opens. Besides fuel for the boilers to drive a 550 horse power engine. Mill 3 produces 38 cords of stove wood daily. G.L. Poquette is superintendent.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

Mill four of the W.H. White Company is their flooring plant and planing mill under the supervision of E.J. Fulghum, who is a capable man of many years experience in the manufacture of hardwood lumber. Their average output is 21,000 feet of flooring per day and they do all kinds of planing work, supplying the wholesale and retail trade. Fifty-five men are employed with a monthly payroll of about $3500.

[Source: An early edition of The Boyne Citizen, Boyne City, Michigan. Issue date Unknown.]

The creation of the Wolverine-Dilworth Inn began in 1911, when Boyne City was a booming lumber town located on Pine Lake (renamed Lake Charlevoix in 1926). Boyne's population neared the 6,000 mark and numerous business visitors came to the area. The city was a working man's town with a number of hotels and saloons to quench the thirst of the mill hands, dockwallopers and lumberjacks.

As a result of the town's growth, the leading citizens of Boyne City decided a grand hotel possessing unique style and elegance was in order. The Boyne City Hotel Company was formed and stock was sold. On October 7th, the 46 stockholders chose the name "Wolverine" for the building. The grand opening was held February 1, 1912. Two hundred and forty patrons entered the Wolverine and dined in its elegance.

Decades later in 1935, Wesley and Kathryn Dilworth purchased the hotel and renamed it the Dilworth Hotel. The hotel developed a reputation for the area's best food and it quickly became a favorite dining spot. The Dilworth Hotel was a popular spot for thousands of regular visitors to "Boyne Country" ski hills and resorts, as it is today.

In 1946 the Dilworth's sold the hotel as a result of the nationwide effects of World War II. However, the name and the legacy have remained.

The Wolverine Dilworth In is the only remaining hotel of the six original hotels from Boyne City's lumbering era. The Inn serves as a reminder of an era gone by. As a result of the Wolverine Dilworth Inn's historical significance, the Inn was registered as a National Historic Landmark on February 13, 1986. To receive this honor, the Inn's exterior was reconstructed as it was originally constructed in 1912- complete with the surrounding veranda. The Inn will now remain a historic site for all to enjoy for years to come.

[Taken from a publicity write-up used by the Wolverine-Dilworth Inn during the 1980's and 1990's.]

The Badger Woodenware Company's plant was built in 1907 but has been under its present management two years. Twenty-eight different kinds of wooden house-hold necessities are manufactured. Practically the entire output is shipped to Butler Bros. Of St. Louis, MO. Sixty men are employed and $3200 is the monthly payroll. In addition to the manufactured products, fifteen cords of wood are in the yards daily for sale as stove wood. C.E. McCutcheon is superintendent and general manager.

[Taken from a newspaper clipping shared with the CCGS Editor in the early 1990's. Source unknown.]




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